Welcome to Makx Protocol

2 min readDec 17, 2022


Most valued multichain protocol

Makx is a new cryptocurrency launchpad that aims to provide a secure and user-friendly platform for the launch and distribution of new digital assets. Our goal is to make it easy for anyone to launch their own cryptocurrency, whether for a business, a project, or as a personal investment.

The Makx Launchpad:

The Makx Launchpad is a web-based platform that allows users to create and launch their own cryptocurrency in a matter of minutes. The process is simple and straightforward:

Sign up for a Makx account and provide some basic information about your cryptocurrency project.

Choose a name and symbol for your cryptocurrency, and specify the total supply.

Select the desired launch options, including the distribution method, the initial price, and the sale duration.

Upload any necessary documentation, such as a whitepaper or legal disclosures.

Launch your cryptocurrency and start selling it to interested buyers.

Makx provides a range of tools and resources to help users successfully launch and distribute their cryptocurrency, including a customizable landing page, marketing materials, and a built-in wallet for storing and managing the digital assets.


At Makx, we take security seriously. We use advanced encryption techniques to protect user data and transactions, and we have a team of security experts working around the clock to monitor and defend against potential threats.

In addition, we provide a range of security verification features for projects to help protect users and regular security audits.


Makx is the premier launchpad for anyone looking to create and launch their own cryptocurrency. With our user-friendly platform, powerful tools and resources, and commitment to security, we make it easy for anyone to enter the exciting world of digital assets.

Website: https://makx.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MakxProtocol
Discord: https://discord.gg/FCKsebv86y
Telegram: https://t.co/mvq3bjbfEc
Documentation: https://docs.makx.io/




The "Makx" is the #DeFi Protocol you need. Empowering projects to successfully launch their tokens (decentralized launchpad)